
Librarian picture

Ms. Patty Crow

Media Specialist
Email Ms. Patty Crow

Welcome to Brown Elementary Library Media Center. My name is Patty Crow and I am the media specialist. Our school is centered around the media center, and we are the hub of this wonderful learning community. We work very hard to make sure we meet the needs of all patrons. Our services consist of checking out books, assisting

students with using the computers, integrating technology into their assignments, exposing students to our Destiny Webpage which has a variety of resources that are available for students and teachers. These services include exposure to e-books, allowing students to use supplemental material such as Webpath Express and more. We are creating twenty-first century learners at Brown Elementary, we are teaching students a variety of technology and research skills and projects.

Library Hours

Library Hours are 7:45am - 3:30pm