E-Learning Assignments
Parents, on this page you will find assignments your child can complete on E-Learning Days.
Please connect with the school and your child's teacher on Class Dojo to stay up to date with the latest news from the classroom and school. Reach out to your child's teacher to learn how to join their class's Dojo page.
1-21-25 E-Learning Day Activities by Grade Level:
Reading: Justbooksreadaloud.com
Math: We are beginning addition in math. You can use pennies or small toys to count and add.
Additional Kindergarten activities were sent via Class Dojo.
1st Grade:
Please check Class Dojo for assignments.
2nd Grade:
Story of the Week: "My Food, Your Food"
3rd Grade:
*If your child has access to a tablet or computer, there are also assignments posted for students in Savvas for reading and math. Students can access Savvas through Clever.
4th Grade:
Assignments were posted in Savvas for reading and math. Students can access Savvas through Clever.
5th Grade:
Assignments were posted in Savvas for reading and math. Students can access Savvas through Clever.
Fitness Stations- 25 curl-ups, 25 jumping jacks, 25 trunk rotations, jogging in place to the count of 25, 10-20 push-ups, 25 touch touches, 25 lunges, 25 arm circles, jump rope, hula hoop, 25 mountain climbs, 1 minute wall sits, dance routines, and any safe exercise can be done.
Gracie’s Corner https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ2FzqIvWSE7ysvL1sLWQ5Q
Mario Fitness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-cgxmSFET8
Coach Joe- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qjcw2Vov_5k
Morning Kids Workout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skSbg1IGup8
Additional E-Learning Websites
-Starfall - https://www.starfall.com/h/
-Johnnie’s Math Page https://www.jmathpage.com/wpjmp/
-Prodigy- https://www.prodigygame.com/main-en/
-ABCya - https://www.abcya.com