Our Heritage & History
Princeton Alternative Elementary School
Where endless believing...leads to endless achieving.

Princeton had its humble beginnings in the early 1920’s. According to records found, amother in the community, Mrs. Olivia Pyos, began to teach a kindergarten classin her home. When her family began to increase, she had to close the kindergarten. After the closing, a school was opened in the upper story of a building located on Lomb Boulevard. With the passing years, the number of pupils increased and the school was moved to the C.M.E. Church building on the corner of Washington Avenue and Ninth Street Southwest. As the children progressed, the parents thought they were too small to cross the busy highway to attend Washington Elementary School. Therefore, they successfully petitioned the Board of Education and solicited funds to move to another building.
In the early 1930’s Princeton was moved to the Rising community. At that time the PrincetonSchool building then consisted off our teachers, four classrooms and an office. Throughout the years, enrollment has increased steadily along with the growth of the facilities. In the beginning the philosophy of the school was based upon student preparation for adjustment to a democratic society and guidance in establishing appropriate behavior patterns necessary for responsible citizenship. The teachers and principal aimed for pupil growth beyond the limits of the textbooks. That dynamic vision still remains! In the past, the PTA played a major part in the success of the school. That reality still remains!
The Princeton Alternative Elementary School community is a special place where students in kindergarten through grade 5 experience the challenges and joy of learning in a nurturing environment that promotes respect for self and others. Our highly talented staff works effectively and tirelessly in partnership with parents and the community to ensure that all children are successful learners. We afford students a plethora of academic and leadership experiences and character-building activities to prepare them to become tomorrow's leaders.
The school goal is that all students will demonstrate the higher level thinking required to accomplish challenging tasks in all curriculum areas. These higher level thinking skills include critical stance, prediction and problem solving, and creative expression. In order to support student achievement of this goal, teachers participate in comprehensive training and professional development based on the latest research and best practices in education.
Our educational program provides the opportunity for each child to progress towards the mastery of skills and competencies. Princeton student performance continues to far exceed state averages in all areas of the school profile. The previous Alabama Reading and Mathematics Test Plus administered in grades 3 through 5 reflected very strong performances in writing, reading, science and mathematics.
The vision of Princeton Alternative Elementary School is to educate all students academically, socially,and physically by inspiring a passion for learning and maintaining a culture of respect, hard-work, leadership, collaboration, and excellence in everything we do. Our teachers, administrators, and support staff are committed to providing a quality education for all students.
Princeton Alternative Elementary has always had the grand tradition of being a school that emphasizes excellence in academic achievement, dress code, and behavior code.
Princeton students are "The best in the west, the pearl of the world, and the pride of the principal!"
We welcome you to the rich heritage and tradition of an “ivy league” elementary school within the Birmingham City Schools System.