Assistant Principal

Mrs. Dydrea Pittman selfie

Mrs. Dydrea Pittman


My name is Mrs. Dydrea Pittman and I have been a certified educator since 1999.  I have worked hard to earn degrees in the following fields of study; Bachelors in Social Work, Masters in Elementary Education, Masters in Educational Leadership and Educational Specialist in Teacher Leadership. I worked diligently to earn these degrees because I believe education involves both teaching and learning. The world is constantly evolving. 

As an educator and a student, I must learn and evolve as well. New methods will not be pursued if we are scared to dream, think and apply work to our theories. My aim in this educational arena is to cultivate intelligent, responsible, and well-informed global citizens who take an active role in the world around them. As an effective facilitator of learning, I must guide students to seek important knowledge, then analyze and apply this knowledge so that meaningful solutions prevail. Although failure is not an option, students must understand the road to success holds a few potholes of failure. However, it is the way in which they conduct themselves during the learning process that will lead to success and mastery.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."-- Nelson Mandela