About Us
Lewis Martin Smith Middle School (SMS), is an urban, Title I, public school located in the Roebuck community, a sub-community in the Eastern area of Birmingham, Alabama, built in 1956. The school was named for Lewis Martin Smith who served as the Birmingham City Schools' Board of Education President from 1957-1958, as well as President of the Alabama Power Company. Because of his prominence in the community and his personal commitment to excellence, it was deemed appropriate to name the school in his honor.
The school was originally designed to serve students in kindergarten through eighth grade. However, due to community growth and changes in 1981, it became a middle school serving students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. In 1998, the school was remodeled to improve the band facilities, renovate the main office and administrative areas, and add a new gymnasium. Students from neighboring elementary schools, Huffman Academy, Martha Gaskins, Sun Valley, and W. J. Christian attend Smith Middle School. Smith Middle School currently has the highest enrollment of middle schools in the area.
We have varied resources and programs available on our campus to address the specific needs of our school and community. ALL students receive free breakfast and lunch. We are a Verizon Innovative Learning School. Our VILS program works to ensure each student has internet-connected devices and enhances teachers' use of technology in the classroom. Within our diverse student body, we also serve an over-aged population of students who have had academic challenges prior to enrolling in our school. However, we strive to offer academic resources and field-based learning to assist those students in reaching their highest potential. We also offer the LEXIA Reading Program and Moby Max for our Exceptional Education students.
We understand that technology literacy is an essential part of 21st Century education. Therefore, we strive to embed the use of technology in every aspect of learning. In an effort to support this goal, we house multiple iPad stations and carts for classroom use within the building. One computer lab is used for having Career Technical Education and STEM courses taught during each grade level's Unified Arts period, and the other is reserved by teachers and students to use for benchmark assessments, universal screeners, and classroom instruction that requires the use of technology.
At Smith, we truly believe that "Excellence is the only option". So we work closely with community partners to provide a variety of opportunities and resources to our stakeholders, such as our school’s Parent Teacher Association, the Killough Springs Neighborhood Association, CORD (Center for Community Outreach Development), UAB Mini Medical Program, HEAT/HER conflict resolution program and SREB (Southern Regional Education Board Math Ready & Literacy Programs).