3rd Grade
Third Grade Team
Ms. Foy
Mrs. Pierce
Mrs. Stokes
Third grade Dolch Sight Word List
By the end of third grade, you can expect your child to:
Work cooperatively and productively with other children in small groups to complete projects
Understand how choices affect consequences
Become more organized and logical in her thinking processes
Build stronger friendships
Be helpful, cheerful, and pleasant as well as rude, bossy, selfish, and impatient
Be more influenced by peer pressure because friends are very important at this stage
Like immediate rewards for behavior
Be able to copy from a chalkboard
Be able to write neatly in cursive because the small muscles of the hand have developed
Read longer stories and chapter books with expression and comprehension
Use prefixes, suffixes, and root words and other strategies to identify unfamiliar words
Multiply single- and multi-digit numbers
Divide multi-digit numbers by one-digit numbers
Tell time to the half-hour and quarter-hour and to five minutes and one minute