Career Academies
Welcome to The NAF Career Academies of G.W. Carver High School! Our mission at G.W. Carver High School is to ensure that every student who graduates from here will be college and/or career ready with college or military acceptance or a job offer prior to graduation. Our NAF Academies are part of the National Academies Foundation (NAF) - a national organization that provides support to schools across the country to prepare students to be Future Ready. Our three signature academies are listed below with their Career Technical Education pathways.

Engineering Career Pathway

Health Sciences Career Pathway

Graphic Arts Career Pathway and/or TV Production Career Pathway
Our academies prepare students to be college and/or career ready by exposing students to opportunities like studying industry-specific skills, participating in local and national competitions, learning from professionals in the field, taking extended learning excursions, and gaining hands-on experience through job shadows and/or internships off site. We strive to prepare students to be competitive in their chosen fields, and make sure they are ready for any level of expertise they choose to pursue.
Students may apply to join one of our NAF Academies as rising 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students. Birmingham City School students who are not zoned for G.W. Carver High School are eligible to apply and receive transportation assistance to Carver.
G.W. Carver High School will be accepting applications to join one of our NAF Career Academies for the 2025 - 2026 School Year until May 30, 2025. Apply here!
For more information about the G.W. Carver High School NAF Career Academies contact:
Rebecca Blumenfeld, Career Academy Coordinator
Email Rebecca Blumenfeld
Birmingham City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, or homeless status in its programs, activities or employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Ms. Maria Lyas, 504 Coordinator, 2015 Park Place N. Birmingham, AL 35203, (205)231-9874, Email Maria Lyas; and Mrs. Amanda Cross, Esq., Title IX Coordinator & ADA Coordinator, 2015 Park Place N. Birmingham, AL 35203, (205)231- 4308 , Email Title IX (Title IX); Email Amanda Cross (ADA).

Career Academy Photos