Our School
About Us: G. W. Carver at a Glance

School Address: 3900 24th Street North, Birmingham, AL 35207
School Colors: Crimson, Blue and White
School Mascot: The Ram
Alma Mater
Oh, Carver High, we sing to thee
Of love, devotion ever new.
We'll pledge our loyalty to thee
And triumph o'er what ever may be.
We bless this day within thy walls,
Thy precepts all we'll honor too.
All hail! All hail! To Carver High
To Crimson and Blue, we'll ever be true.
Music and words by Dr. Awilda Coleman Smith

G. W. Carver High School is named after one of the world’s renowned scientists, George Washington Carver, who developed numerous products and processes that expanded the range of agriculture in the South. While working in his laboratory at Tuskegee Institute, he used the peanut, soybean, and sweet potato to make many different useful products for mankind.
Nestled proudly atop a hill overlooking the northern area of Birmingham is George Washington Carver High School for Health Professions, Engineering, and Technology. A beacon of education, which can be seen from as far away as Ruffner Mountain, the school stands in all its glory as the standard for all Birmingham City Schools of the future to match or surpass. Special care has been taken in the construction of Carver to ensure that the aesthetic magnificence of the location is accentuated. An airy elegance encloses the building in all areas with every opportunity for glass enclosures utilized, allowing students full view of the entire skyline of Birmingham along with many beautiful, old trees that are carefully preserved on the campus. The nature-filled courtyard provides added opportunities for students to enjoy the beautiful surroundings.
The academic building encompasses 166,000 square feet. It is five stories high with the main entrance on the third floor. The 26,100 square feet cafeteria area, is designed to serve 500 students. Also featured in the academic building are the following:
Science Labs
Computer Labs
Print Production Center
Health Professions Laboratory
Art Suites
Drivers Education Suite
Cosmetology Laboratory
CAD Laboratory
Building Two is where the world class Competition Center is located. Also in Building Two are the following:
Band Suite
Choral Suite
Orchestra Suite
Animation Studio
Television Broadcasting
ROTC Shooting Range
Physical Education Gym
Weight Room
Mission & Vision
Mission Statement of Carver High School
The mission of George Washington Carver High School for Health Professions, Engineering, and Technology is to ensure our students the academic success, technological proficiency, communication skills, cultural enrichment, and physical well-being that will enable them to compete in an ever-changing global society.
George Washington Carver High School will be a collaborative and professional learning environment where research-based best instructional practices and data drive superior curriculum and instruction, preparing students to be successful in a global society.
We Believe:
We believe that all children can learn.
We believe that learning is a lifelong process.
We believe that parental involvement is an integral part of the learning process.
We believe that everyone needs to develop respect, a positive self-image, and interpersonal skills facilitated by character education and staff modeling.
We believe that everyone needs a strong skills base and the ability to investigate solutions.
We believe that children learn best when their instruction matches their learning styles, and they are active participants in the process.
We believe that every child has worth.
We believe that every child has a right to a safe environment.
We believe that everyone needs to possess the technological skills needed to function in our rapidly progressing society.
We believe that assessments should employ a variety of evaluation techniques.