Albert Leblanc - Assistant Principal


Albert Leblanc

Email Albert Leblanc



I believe the role of the Assistant Principal is, largely, to lead, listen, and support, along with working hard, often behind the scenes, to make the school a success. How this looks can vary from day to day. However, there are certain constants that I hope to bring to work each day, regardless! My passion is my people- the ones who strive for better and who yearn for freedom, justice, and equality for all. I want to make an indelible impact on young people attempting to understand themselves and the world around them, that they may be of good service to their families and community. I am not naive to feel this way, undoubtedly, because I have had the pleasure of working with many like-minded individuals within Birmingham City Schools for the past 20 years. I have been a small part of many triumphs for students. Each time I see a former student in public (smiling, standing tall, and doing well), it does my heart good to know that I made an ounce of difference in that person's life. Currently, times may be more complicated and complex, but God's words are still true: Proverbs 22:6 - "Train a child in the way it should go: and when they are old they will not depart from it."  WJC 2022-2023 Let's Gooooooo!" Leading the way like Champions!!!