Welcome to the Library

The Jackson-Olin Library Media Center re-afirms the philosophy of the Birmingham City Schools System. The library media center is a learning center for the entire school. It is a place where students and teachers can find a multiplicity of well-organized resources to aid in whatever learning is in progress. The emphasis is on the individual and the learning situation rather than on materials. Our library media center provides materials in adequate quantities to stimulate the student to want to learn and grow to the fullest extent of his capabilities. The library media center provides areas for quiet reading, for exploring, for individual and group instruction, for reference work, for listening and viewing, individualized technology use, a well-equipped technology lab for classroom usage and for utilizing digital curriculum instruction, a conference room and a media production room dedicated for preparation of media needed by students, teachers, and parents. As Librarians we are always seeking ways to fulfil students' academic, cultural and social needs. For this reason our library is taking on a new look, one that sparks students creative, and increase collaborative skills. School libraries are places of discovery and inquiry for students' learning, research and personal interest.
The name given to this type of change in the media center is known as using Makerspaces. Librarians across the country are creating these innovative spaces so that every student can feel comfortable in the library. We understand that every student may not learn problem solving skills the same way. Using board games, UNO, dominos, etc. are useful to helping students build problem solving and critical thinking skills. When students are allowed to use their imagination and creativity to flow they begin to learn their ability to becoming great problem solvers. Whether they are putting a puzzle together, playing a game of chess, constructing the right move in a game of checkers, or using an electrical game to turn on lights, Legos, STRUXX, building robiotics, or lining up a rubic cube all of these can enable our students to read, think, and even imagine how to perform the task.