Membership Requirements

The Ramsay High School Chapter of the National Honor Society
Criteria for Membership Eligibility
Excerpt taken from the Ramsay High School Chapter Bylaws, in alignment with the National Honor Society National Constitution.
Section 1. Membership in this chapter is an honor bestowed upon deserving students by the faculty and shall be based on the criteria of Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character.
Section 2. Eligibility:
Candidates eligible for selection to this chapter must be members of the junior or senior class.
To be eligible for selection to membership in this chapter, the candidate must have been enrolled and in attendance at Ramsay High School for a period equivalent to one full semester.
Candidates will be considered for membership based upon their cumulative, weighted grade point average through the first semester of their junior or senior year. Candidates eligible for selection to the chapter shall have a minimum cumulative, weighted grade point average of 3.85 (which includes credits earned in advanced placement courses). This scholastic level of achievement shall be the required minimum scholastic level of achievement for admission to candidacy. All students who meet or exceed above such standard may be considered a candidate for selection to membership. Membership in the NHS is not automatic based solely on a candidate having achieved the scholastic requirement.
Upon meeting the grade level, enrollment, and GPA standards, candidates shall then be reviewed based on their service, leadership, and character.
Note: Each student’s GPA is evaluated at the end of the fall semester to determine academic eligibility for membership. Under normal circumstances, tapping traditionally takes place in the Spring semester of every year.
Membership in the NHS is not automatic based solely on a candidate having achieved the scholastic requirement. Students' discipline record will be reviewed by the Faculty Council and Administrative Team.
The following issues may eliminate applicants from consideration and/or require a review of their discipline record:
1. Student has had major infractions of rules (school or civil) or discipline issues that resulted in a suspension or expulsion from school or activities within the last 12 months.
2. Student has knowingly copied/plagiarized another's work.
3. If a pattern of school conduct issues, poor attitude, or unexcused absence is identified, the student may be eliminated from consideration.
So I have the GPA, what now??
Students who are identified as being scholastically eligible for membership in the National Honor Society will be notified and asked to complete and submit the Candidate Form for further consideration. Upon meeting the grade level, enrollment, and GPA standards, candidates shall then be reviewed based on their service, leadership, and character. The Faculty Council shall review the Candidate Forms, disciplinary records, core teacher recommendations, candidate personal statements and other relevant information to determine those candidates who fully meet the selection criteria for membership.
I'm not a junior or senior yet, what can I do to prepare?
Since the required GPA is cumulative, that means that everything you do (academically) in high school matters. Start early striving to make exceptional grades. Since Ramsay is an advanced and rigorous learning environment, the required GPA is high and so is the competition! Consistently do your best and make the best grades possible. Demonstrate excellent behavior and character by following the rules and showing respect to yourself, peers, and faculty. Get involved in student organizations and participate in community service! These are opportunities to show your involvement and show that you can balance academics and extracurricular activities. Develop relationships with teachers and mentors who can speak highly on your behalf to serve as references for you.
For additional questions, please contact Mrs. Quiani Reid at Email Mrs. Quiani Reid