MYP Overview
What is MYP?
The IB MYP at Ramsay is a program of international education designed to help students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world.
Since the middle school years for students, encompassing early puberty and mid-adolescence, is a particularly critical phase of personal and intellectual development and requires an educational programming that helps students reach success. The first two grades of high school are also challenging and transitional times for students. Consequently, appropriate programming is also required.
Learning how to learn and how to evaluate information critically is as important as learning facts. These have always been hallmarks of the J.H. P. Academy and the 9th and 10th grades at Ramsay High School. These are also hallmarks of the IBO MYP. Consequently, an internationally developed and known program such as the MYP designed to help middle school students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world is offered as a valuable choice for families of middle school level, Grade 9 and Grade 10 students.
Using the MYP five areas of interaction, students study the District’s core curriculum through the MYP five areas of interaction: approaches to learning, community and service, homo faber (changing to human ingenuity in 2008-09), environment (changing to environments in 2008-09), and health and social education. Learning how to learn and how to evaluate information critically is as important as learning facts. The areas of interaction in the MYP masterfully combine these three important issues to effectively engage the learners in a successful learning experience.