Our PBIS Motto is To Keep Calm and ROAR On:

R--Show Respect

O--Take Ownership

A--Have A Good Attitude

R--Be Responsible 

Each day students endeavor to uphold these attributes. Students are rewarded throughout the day when teachers and other adults in the ability see ROAR on display. Teachers award House Points daily and students receive rewards from the ROAR store.

Students who need assistance for behavior receive support from the Assistant Principal, Marlon Dortch and our onsite School Behavior Interventionist, Ms. Cheryl Hilliard. They work together to create behavior plans for success for individual students

Community Stakeholders and Events

The Principal, Ms. Harriette Thompkins, works diligently with PTA, the Neighborhood Association, the local fire and police department, EdFoundation and Faith Chapel Christian Center to provide information about the school and it's current state, so that partners know best how to assist with school needs. Community Stakeholders are invited, each year, to attend our Parent, Partner, and Community Walkthrough. This walkthrough allows stakeholders visit classrooms and give feedback.

Community events include supply give-aways, sponsored by Faith Chapel Christian Center, and Fall and Spring Network Nights sponsored by Faith Chapel Christian Center, the local community, classroom teachers and students.

In-House community involvement includes YouthServe, Girls' Inc., the local firemen and policemen, Page Pals, and Faith Chapel Boys' Mentoring.

Our current Board Member is Ms. Sandra Brown, and our City Councilman is Mr. John Hilliard.

We are thankful and indebted to all of our stakeholders for what they do for our scholars..