Career Academies
Academy of Urban Educators

So You Think You Want To Be A Teacher?
The Academy of Urban Educators is where you want to be!
There is simply nothing quite like seeing the look of understanding that lights up someone’s face when you’ve successfully communicated an idea to them that they had not been able to grasp before. One of the noblest, most respected, and rewarding jobs you can have is teaching. If teaching is your passion, the Academy of Urban Educators, (AOUE) is the starting place.
The Preschool CDA series of courses are designed to prepare students for employment in the field of preschool education and to prepare them for the Child Development Associate (CDA) a national credentialing program for the preschool setting. Students must successfully complete CDA I, II, III, IV, and V to be eligible to take the CDA certification exam.

Academy of Health Sciences

So You Think You Want To Be In A Health Profession?
The Academy of Health Sciences is where you want to be!
There is simply nothing quite like knowing that your care, touch, voice and time can help a patient through what could be one of their worst days. It is one of the most respected professions. If helping people is your passion, the Academy of Health Sciences (AOHS) is the starting place.

Academies at Work