Program Delivery Components
School Guidance Curriculum: Structured lessons coordinated by the professional school counselor to provide all students with the knowledge, attitudes and skills appropriate for their developmental level.
à Student Summits: Teachers, counselors, administrators and guest speakers will facilitate relevant and engaging lessons to students. Three summits will take place throughout the year.
ndividual Student Planning: Professional School Counselors coordinate ongoing systematic activities designed to assist students in establishing personal goals and developing future plans.
à Individual Goal Setting Conferences: Individual conferences will be held three times a year with every student. These conferences will be facilitated by the school counselor and classroom teacher. Students will set, review and revise their personal and academic goals.
Responsive Services: This includes activities coordinated by the Professional School Counselor designed to meet the students’ immediate needs and concerns.
à Individual Counseling, Small Group Counseling, Consultation, and Referral
System Support: The Professional School Counselor coordinates activities that maintain and enhance the total counseling and guidance program, such as community involvement, consultation, collaboration and professional development.
à Career Fairs - Guests will be invited to set up booths and speak to groups about their career. Students will rotate during this assembly.
à College Fairs - College recruiters will be invited to set up informational tables and discuss admission requirements.
à Parent Summits - These are informational and engaging parent-education nights. Professionals will speak to parents on topics that will assist in preparing their children with goal-setting and education.
à Guidance Advisory Committee - This committee, which is formed by the professional school counselor, assists and supports the counseling and guidance program.