Academy of Business and Finance
Designated as a Distinguished Academy by the National Academy Foundation

Our Mission
The mission of Woodlawn Magnet High School Academy of Business and Finance is to empower students with a high quality education simultaneously with essential skills needed in the world of business and finance. We are committed to producing students that are technologically inclined, business oriented, innovative, and highly marketable when pursuing higher education or a career.
The Academy of Business and Finance at Woodlawn Magnet High School seeks to develop world-conscious business leaders that will be advocates of social change to create innovative ideas that will inspire humanity.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Birmingham City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, or homeless status in its programs, activities or employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Ms. Maria Lyas, 504 Coordinator, 2015 Park Place N. Birmingham, AL 35203, (205)231-4739,; and Mrs. Amanda Cross, Esq., Title IX Coordinator, 2015 Park Place N. Birmingham, AL 35203, (205)231- 4308 ,
Contact Us:
Woodlawn Magnet High School
5620 First Avenue North
Birmingham, Alabama 35212
Email Woodlawn Magnet High School
School Office: (205)231-8000
Fax: (205)231-8084
What's New With AOBF?