Logging into Your School Issued Device
Resolving Zoom error on your new Dell laptop.
To solve the error, "invalid meeting ID" students should log into their laptop as an Admin. Students will use the BCSadmin log in until further notice.
The steps for logging in are as follows.
First: Log out of your device:
select the windows icon on the bottom left
Scroll up and select student then sign out
Second: Log into the device as BCSadmin
Select BCSadmin in the bottom left
Enter the Password: 4TheK1dz!!
Note the Capital T and Capital K
Third: Log into Clever with the Chrome Browser
Use your Student Number and Password
Fourth: Select Schoology
• Log into Schoology using your Student Number and Password
Fifth: Go to course and select Schoology Link
• Select "Download and Run Zoom" or Join from Browser
Reach out to your school's help desk if you continue to have problems.