Future Academy Students
Prerequisites: Career Preparedness | Starting Grade: 9th
If your goal is to become a business executive, an industry CEO, or a financial wizard, the Academy of Business and Finance, (AOBF) is the place for you. This is the starting point for entrepreneurs, corporate executives, managers, and students interested in joining the workforce. Here, in the AOBF, you have the option of participating in one of two tracks, the first focused on basic business leadership and the other focused on finance. In the Academy, you will be introduced to the key basics that prepare you for a long and successful career in businesses of all types.
The Academy of Business & Finance has several industries and careers to explore. Some choices include

Banking and Financial Services
Payroll Services
Credit Bureaus
Business Management
Marketing and Advertising
Market Research
As a freshman in the AOBF, you will be provided with all the tools that you need to be successful in the academy, in your career preparedness classes. These courses enable you to achieve success in school, work and throughout life.
In your sophomore year, you will decide between either focusing on business or finance. If you are a Business Student, you will begin to learn how business communicates in the advanced business technology course. If Finance Is your focus, you are introduced to the basics of managing money with the principals of finance and business in a global economy courses. Regardless of which track you choose, this is the year that you will begin earning college credit with our free dual enrollment courses.
As a junior, you begin to solidify what you learned in your sophomore year. Students on the Business Track continue improving their business communication skills with multimedia design. In this course you learn all about business publications, including web design, business networking, and marketing. Students on the Finance Track take the second step in money management with two courses: principals of accounting and financial services. At this level you have the opportunity to participate in cooperative education and continue with dual enrollment. During the summer you participate in an academy internship to apply what you have learned in a real-world business setting.
In your senior year, you will begin to function as a young business professional and an early college student. Business Track students join the real-world workforce through cooperative learning. Whereas, Finance Track students are introduced to the world of small business through the entrepreneurship class where you learn about how these businesses are started and what it takes to make them grow. In your last semester you will take an in depth look at specialized career pathways and finalize your college destination.
When you graduate from the academy of business and finance, you are prepared either to move successfully into the workforce, or to pursue your higher career goals by attending college.
Click here for additional requirements.