Assistant Principal - Charles Jemison


Mr. Charles Jemison

I am Charles Jemison 9th grade Assistant Principal at Woodlawn High School.  I have been employed by Birmingham City schools for nineteen years.  I have held my current position as Woodlawn High School Assistant Principal for seven years.  I am a graduate of John Carroll High School.  John Carroll is the place where I learned the importance of education and education's intricate relationship with success.  I went on to attend Alabama A & M University where I completed my undergrad degree in Political Science and History education.  I also hold a Master’s Degree in School Administration from Alabama A & M University.  Alabama A & M University taught me the value of loving teachers who truly care about their students welfare and growth.

All that being said, I am very excited about our up and coming school year.  Though times are different my dedication to the students of Birmingham City Schools remains the same.  My greatest hope for all Woodlawn students is that they become productive citizens once they graduate from Woodlawn High School.  I want to be used to bridge the gap between dreams and the manifestation of those dreams.  I am here to help parents and students to help create a better tomorrow for this community and the world.

Parents or guardians please feel free to contact me if there are any questions concerning your child.  Students feel free to see me during my office hours or during the school day concerning school matters.  My greatest hope is success for every student at Woodlawn High School.

Phone: 205-231-8000

Email Mr. Charles Jemison