Parent Resources

Booker T. Washington K-8 School

Parent Involvement Plan

In an effort to involve all parents more effectively in the educational process of their child(ren), we have reviewed literature from the National Standards for Parent and Family Involvement Programs as well as the guidelines mandated in the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the Birmingham City Schools (BCS) Parental Involvement Policy.

Booker T. Washington K-8 School believes that parental involvement is one of the most important links to academic success. We are committed to increasing parental involvement within our school and community. This is an ongoing process. The administration and faculty believe that through home, school, and community connections we can create a positive environment that will foster active involvement in the education of our children.

Parental involvement will be implemented using the following criteria:

·       School Facebook page and website

·       Monthly Parent Seminars

·       Parent Data Meetings

·       Parent Volunteer Engagement

·       Parent Survey Evaluation

·       Title I Leader Participation

·       Parent Contact Logs

·       Title I Parent Coordinator and Parental Involvement Team

·       Parent Focus Groups

·       Parent input in developing the Continuous Improvement Plan

·       Active participation in student learning through classroom visits and parent-teacher conferences

Parent Resource Room

·       Monthly Newsletter

Our Mission…

To guide all students to achieve excellence in a safe, secure, and nurturing environment


Booker T. Washington K-8 staff and parents will collaboratively develop or revise the school involvement plan and distribute it to parents as well as make it available to the school community.

A. Describe how the school will convene an annual meeting to inform parents of the school’s Title I requirements, including the 1% set-aside, and the right of parents to be involved.



Contact Person/Facilitator

Annual Title I Parent Meeting and opportunity extended to parents to serve on Parent Focus Group

September 2024

Principal: Antonia Ishman



Focus Group – Opportunity for parents to share their input on budgeting, curriculum, school needs, and identify other concerns

October – November 2024

Parent Involvement Coordinator

Ms. G. Maddox


B. Describe how there will be a flexible number and format of parent meetings offered, how parents will be involved in the planning, review and improvement of the Title I Program. Also include the school’s process of how all Title I parents have the opportunity for involvement in decision-making and how funds allocated for parental involvement are being used.



Contact Person/Facilitator

Parent meetings are held monthly

August 2024 – May 2025

PI Coordinator:                  Ms. G. Maddox

Specific Title I Parent meetings held in conjunction with PTO meetings to inform parents of the budget that is proposed for spending allocated funds


Principal and PTO Officers

Parents are offered opportunities to serve on CIP reviews




Principal and Leadership Team

A suggestion box is placed in a visible location in the school lobby for parent input with the decision-making process




PI Coordinator

     Ms.G . Maddox

District-wide parent surveys are circulated bi-annually for parent input relative to the school’s program

Fall 2024

Spring 2025

PI Coordinator:                  Ms. G. Maddox

Principal Designee:            Mrs. Long-Daniels

C. Describe how the school provides parents participating in a uniform format and to the extent practicable in a language they can understand, about programs under Title I, a description and explanation of the curriculum in use, forms and academic assessments and achievement expectations used, and if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and participate as appropriate in decisions related to the education of their children.



Contact Person/Facilitator

Use agenda book to inform parents about the curriculum in use. This also includes the school rules and a student code of conduct with behavior expectations


Principal and Leadership Team

Data meetings and communication including curriculum guidelines


Principal and all teachers

Newsletter communicating content/topics being studied at each grade level


Principal and all teachers

Mid-term progress reports during each grading period

Every 4 ½ weeks

All teachers

Parent conferences to discuss student progress and concerns


All teachers

I Now to assist parents in monitoring their child’s progress and attendance


Teachers and parents

D. Describe how parents, the school staff, and students share responsibility for improving student academic achievement for participating students. (How the School-Parent Compact is jointly developed with Title I parents; how it is used, reviewed, and updated.)



Contact Person/Facilitator

Parent compacts explained to parents during parent teacher conferences


All teachers

Parent compact distribution for parent/student/teacher signatures

December 2024

All teachers and registration committee

E. Describe procedures to allow parents to submit comments of dissatisfaction with the Continuous Improvement Plan.



Contact Person/Facilitator

Parents communicate concerns regarding the CIP with their child’s teacher or the school’s administrative staff


Principal, Principal designee, and all teachers

Parent suggestion box located in the Parent Corner


Principal: Dr. Antonia Ishman

Principal Designee: Ms. Sanders

F. Describe how the school will build capacity for parental involvement including how parents will be encouraged to become equal partners in the education of their children.

To ensure effective involvement of parents, support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement.

(1)    Shall provide training for parents of participating children in understanding such topics as the State’s academic assessments, the requirements of Title I, and how to monitor their child’s progress and work with teachers to improve the achievement of their children.



Contact Person/Facilitator

Grade level parent seminars

October 2024

All teachers

Annual Open House communicating assessment results and expectations

August 2024

Principal and all teachers

Parent conferences to keep parents abreast of student progress


All teachers

(2)  Shall provide materials and training to help parents to work with their child’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement.



Contact Person/Facilitator

Parent Resource Room stocked with school success and parenting  literature for parents to read


PI Coordinator

Parent seminars for parents on finances, job search and GED preparation


PI Coordinator

(3)   Shall educate teachers, office personnel, and staff, with the assistance of parents in the value and utility of contribution of parents, and I how to reach out to communicate with, and work with, parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and school.



Contact Person/Facilitator

A family friendly climate created by greeting and welcoming parents to the school community


All Staff

Utilization of staff development days  and select Saturdays to develop and implement activities designed to facilitate parent-school partnerships

August 2024– May 2025

Principal, PI Coordinator and all teachers

Grade level parent sessions and conferences to maintain open communication


All teachers

Welcome area in office and parent corner


PI Coordinator

Special programs/hospitality extended to school community during American Education Week

Novembe4r 2024

PI Coordinator and Staff

(4)   Shall to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate, and integrate parent involvement and activities with other federal programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource center, that encourage and support parents on more fully participating in the education of their children.



Contact Person/Facilitator

Promotion/communication of District –wide parental involvement activities


All Staff

District parental involvement center information provided to parents and community members



Distribution of parent planners

December 2024

PI Coordinator and Office Staff

(5)   Shall ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities are sent to the parents of participating children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.



Contact Person/Facilitator

Information is sent home to parents through the school Newsletters and notices addressing specific topics


Principal, PI Coordinator, All Teachers

Use of agenda books as an active tool for home/school communication on a daily basis or as needed


All Teachers

(6)  Shall provide such other reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents may request.



Contact Person/Facilitator

Provide parents with information and training that will assist their child in achieving to their highest potential


Principal, PI Coordinator, All teachers

G. Describe how the school will ensure the provision for participants of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students, including providing information and school reports in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand.



Contact Person/Facilitator

Availability of translator at meetings as applicable

As Needed

Principal and PI Coordinator

Arrangement upon request for individuals with disabilities

As Needed

Principal and PI Coordinator