Back to School

back to school

BCS is excited to see your scholar on the first day of school on Monday, August 8, 2022. 


Important Dates

View the district calendar for dates on the first day of school, professional development, Staff Institute Day, intercessional days and more.

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The online registration system streamlines the process in a user-friendly way that promotes greater efficiency, organization, and records management. 


Zoning & Feeder Pattern Updates

Enter your address to view which school your student is zoned to attend with the new zoning update for the upcoming school year.



BCS provides students with access to a variety of affordable and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs.

school bus

Bus Routes

Routes will be published when they are finalized by the Transportation Department.

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Open to all children four years of age on or by September 1, 2023 who are residents of Birmingham City Schools.