BCS Connect

BCS Connect

Welcome to BCS Connect

Birmingham City Schools is excited to introduce BCS Connect, a dynamic community engagement platform designed to foster meaningful connections between our district and community partners.

This innovative tool allows you to stay informed about school events and updates while enhancing our collaboration with organizations like yours.

Get Involved with BCS Connect

  • Stay Updated: Explore a wide array of events happening at our schools, keeping you in the loop about the activities that engage our students and families.

  • Create an Affiliate Page: Request permission to establish an affiliate page for your

    organization. Once approved, you can showcase your events, volunteer needs, and

    internship opportunities directly on the platform.

  • Engage with the Community: BCS Connect allows students, parents, and community

    members to easily sign up for volunteer opportunities. The platform tracks volunteer

    hours, measures the value of contributions, and collects feedback to enhance future


  • Enhance Visibility: Your organization will gain valuable exposure within the BCS

    community, helping you to showcase the impact of your partnerships with our students,

    staff, and schools.

Join us in creating a stronger community by engaging with BCS Connect today! Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of our students and community.