Early College

What is Early College?

Early College at Woodlawn High is a dual enrollment program where high school students take courses for both college and high school credit.

The earned college credits not only satisfy requirements for high school graduation, but they also may be applied toward a degree at Jefferson State Community College, the University of Alabama at Birmingham or possibly transferred to another college or university.

Why would Early College interest me?

Early College at Woodlawn High gives motivated students an opportunity to start college while in high school. Students have the opportunity to take courses they may not be offered in a typical college curriculum. They also are exposed to potential career paths and learn what is expected of college students.

What are the greatest benefits of Early College?

Students in Early College at Woodlawn High School earn college credit while in high school at no cost. With the rising cost of college, successful participation in Early College will reduce the financial burden of higher. education for students and their families. Not only are Early College program participants ahead of their high school peers when they graduate, they also ahead of college peers, because they save time and money!

How do I qualify for Early College?

Rising 9th-grade students with at least a 3.0 grade point average can apply for Early College at Woodlawn High School. Applicants should have strong test scores, and good academic and attendance records. All students must be willing to work hard.

How much will it cost?

There is no cost. The program is free.

Does this mean I would be a college student?

Yes! You will complete courses on a college campus alongside others who are freshmen or sophomores at Jefferson State or UAB.

  • Early College allows students to earn up to 60 hours of college or an AA degree at no cost!

Nieshel Fall

Woodlawn Early College Coordinator
Email Nieshel Fall
Click here to apply for the Early College Program today!